Modern workplace
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”- Stephen Hawking
We live in a time where change is necessary, sometimes even required. Just how much change has influenced the workplace is a topic for itself. Some of the changes are directly related to the pandemic, while others are just a sign of the transformation of the workplace. So, let’s talk about changes, some more active than others, but present in our society nevertheless.
If we look back at “traditional” companies, we’re well aware of the respect of hierarchy. All information, specifications, and orders came from the top and were merely transferred to the bottom, and the employee served only to fulfill what he was told. Nowadays, a lot of “up-to-date” companies raise awareness of just how important every employee is. Contributing constantly with new ideas, new suggestions, and new insights from their work, employees should be regarded as important as every other link to the company chain.
Fixed work hours
We aren’t all programmed to work the same way. Some of us are more prone to being productive in the morning, while others simply have more energy and focus later on in the day. With that said, it makes no sense to force all employees to fit the mold and do the same hours. This perspective is getting under the spotlight more and more, especially within tech businesses, where the employee has the freedom of “taking his work anywhere, anytime”. The key part is that both the employee and the employer get more efficiency and effectiveness, all while doing work when they feel like it.
The office
The average office was viewed as the place where people have to get on time and do work. But, considering the amount of time spent at the same place, it’s much more than just a place of work. Modern offices seek to provide other advantages of the office. That’s why you can see that a lot more effort goes into the office setting, to offer employees more than just a peaceful place where they can work. Today, offices have the goal of making the employees feel more contempt, fulfilled, and satisfied. More bright colors, interesting features, and enjoyable activities, all within offices to increase the satisfaction of everyone inside.
Development strategies
The time when executives would come up with complete strategies and send them to their subordinates to execute is slowly becoming out of date. Nowadays, management steps out of the box when coming up with new strategies, involving employees in the whole “brainstorming” process. Open communication with all employees is cherished in successful companies of today. The saying “A hundred people — hundred wonders” is being taken into account, and with more hands-on-deck, every project is sure to have more perspectives.
Yearly employee analysis
A lot of you might say that this is a practice still largely present. But, more and more human resource department chiefs say that this is an outdated practice, as it brings more stress than value. That’s why a lot of forward-thinking companies are pivoting towards more regular conversations with their employees, to boost communication, and have a more direct approach to fixing any possible mistakes, or awarding workers for their effort. It takes away the nervousness of yearly analysis, makes the employee feel more appreciated at their workplace, and it generally offers a better relationship between the worker and his superiors because of the improved communication. Efficiency increases and the learning curve for new employees is a lot shallower.
Work from anywhere
We can’t help but mention the influence of the coronavirus on ways of doing business. Social distancing, wearing masks, and keeping high levels of hygiene at all times is the new norm. For many, the fear of catching the virus and spreading it to loved ones was enough to decide not to go to the office. That’s why work from home has come such a long way in such a short time. Businesses, CEO’s, and employees are all on the same page with this new trend, quickly finding ways to keep communication levels on a high level, while maintaining the safety of all.
At Walter Code, we try to implement these changes as frequently as possible, we shy away from the traditional approaches, and we seek to break boundaries in the manner of doing business. Let us know how you feel about the “changes at the workplace” and feel free to share some of the changes you implemented at your workplaces!