Let’s talk about burnout!
As rewarding as remote work is, the blurry boundaries between work and home make it all that much harder to switch off after a workday. That, in itself, is reason enough for us to let burnouts go under the radar.
Juggling between work, chores, video meetings, home-schooling — it can get difficult.
But what do we consider burnout?
A burnout, essentially, refers to a collection of symptoms.
Feeling exhausted, unmotivated, anxious, even seeing a noticeable drop in your work performance — they are all signs that you should consider when trying to notice your burnout.
Physical symptoms like headaches and poor sleep are reported, as well.
How to deal with burnout?
➤ It all comes down to being able to separate “your work from your home”, to know when your work-day is over and you need to take a rest.
Try to finish work on time — stretching your workload late into the night leaves you with less time to recharge batteries, and eventually leads to burnout.
Successful Time Management might help you along the way.
➤ Now, getting enough sleep might be the most obvious solution, but it’s more difficult than we think. Lack of sleep can leave you energyless, so actively planning out your sleep schedule, and sticking to it, can be very beneficial in dealing with burnout. Tiring yourself out before going to bed has proven quite successful. You’ll see instant benefits on your sleep if you start working out, as light as the workout might be.
Somnology — the study of sleep, can give you some insight! Consequently, sleep medicine has some answers.
➤ Make sure to use your annual leave, use it to do pleasant activities that will help you recover your liveliness, enthusiasm, and spark! Socializing with friends and family will help you “recharge” further still. After successfully completing your quarterly goals, or accomplishing an important release, use your annual leave days, don’t shy away from it!
➤ Lastly, ask for help if you need it!
It’s only natural for humans to grow tired after hard and diligent work. As rewarding as work itself can sometimes be, we all feel the side-effects of overworking, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of that! Feel free to share how you’re feeling, you’ll find a lot more understanding than judgment.
If you are struggling with burnout, the best way to deal with it is to take a couple of days off, or even ask for help with your assignments. Otherwise, your productivity and efficiency are going to suffer, and you won’t be putting out the results at your highest potential.
To summarize, burnout is a real issue. Realizing you are experiencing burnout is the first step in dealing with it. Dealing with burnout is a subjective thing, but you need to invest your time in finding out what works for you, and applying it! You’ll be surprised at how much more energy, motivation, and juice you have after you’ve dealt with it successfully!
Share your ways of coping with burnout! Let us know via our social media.